
17 Sep 2024

Enable the audio nodes to be garbage collected.

What's Changed

  • Destroy the license node when shutdownHRTF() is called.
  • Add a destroy() method to the audio nodes.


5 Dec 2023

Maintenance update.

What's Changed

  • Update HiFi license token.


7 Sep 2023

Adds new NoiseSuppression node.

What's Changed

  • Add NoiseSuppressor node.


5 Jul 2023

Maintenance updates.

What's Changed

  • Revise user docs per API docs revision.
  • Update HiFi license token.


2 Jun 2023

Adds a method for checking whether the browser supports metadata.

Improves the user docs, which now include a tutorial on using the SDK.

What's Changed

  • Add method for determining whether the browser supports metadata.
  • Documentation improvements.
  • Include tutorial in user docs.
  • Improve SDK versioning.
  • Add basic linting.
  • Handle browser supporting neither WebRTC encoded transform nor encoded streams.
  • Release worker reference upon shutdown.


19 Mar 2023

Initial release.

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