Loads and initializes the WASM modules used by the HiFi Audio Nodes library. This must be called before using any other part of the library.
function remoteSourceMoved(uid, x, y, o) { // ...}await setupHRTF(audioContext, remoteSourceMoved);enableInlineMetadata(true);const listener = new HRTFOutput(audioContext);const limiter = new Limiter(audioContext);const destination = audioContext.createMediaStreamDestination();listener.connect(limiter).connect(destination);const audioElement = new Audio();audioElement.srcObject = destsination.stream;audioElement.play();
The AudioContext to use. It should be created with a sample rate of 48000.
A function to call when a remote source changes their position.
Loads and initializes the WASM modules used by the HiFi Audio Nodes library. This must be called before using any other part of the library.